Permits – Hamilton Tree Service Inc.


Hamilton Tree Service Inc.

This page is meant to be a resource. The information concerning each cities tree protection ordinance is current as of January 2017. If there is any question or concerns regarding your particular tree please contact your city’s planning department directly. This page is for informational purposes only. Hamilton Tree Service Inc. is not responsible for any misunderstanding arising from this information.

Alameda County
Updated January 2016

Protected TreesAll trees located within the County right-of-way are protected. “Trees”: having a single trunk or multi-trunk structure at least ten feet high and having a major trunk that is at least two inches in diameter taken at 4.5 feet from the ground (DBH). (Sec. 12.11.100.A) Click here to view the entire code.

Click here for the tree permit application

Click here for information on the permit process

Updated January 2016

Protected Trees:

  • All coast live oaks with a 10” or greater diameter measured 4.5’ above ground.
  • All Mexican fan palms and California fan palms in the public rights of way on both sides of Burbank Street, Portola Avenue, and Eighth Street between Central and Portola Avenues.
  • All sycamores (London plane trees) in the public rights of way on both sides of Central Avenue between Fernside Boulevard and 5th Street.

Permit Process: See the Tree Removal FAQ and complete a Planning Permit Application form.

Updated January 2016

Protected Trees:

  • All established indigenous trees (Blue Oak, Valley Oak, Coast Live Oak , Canyon Live Oak, Interior Live Oak, California Buckeye , California Bay) 10” in diameter measured at 4 ½ feet above ground
  • All trees larger than 26” in diameter measured at 4 ½ feet above ground level or 40′ in height above the grade
  • Any street tree, or tree required to be preserved as a condition of an approval from a “regular development application” as defined by this section, and/or any tree that is shown to be preserved on an approved development plan as submitted by the applicant and subsequently approved by the city

Permit Process: Click here for the tree permit application.


Updated January 2016

Protected Trees: A permit is required to remove the following trees on private property:

  • All city property trees over 8 inches in diameter (as measured 48 inches above soil level)
  • Street trees over 8 inches in diameter.
  • All heritage trees
  • All designated protected trees (trees on property for new construction)
  • California native trees – The following native species, which have a trunk diameter of 8 inches (25 inch circumference) are protected:
    • Blue oak (Quercus douglasii)
    • Live oak (Quercus agrifolia)
    • Valley/white oak (Quercus lobata)
    • Willow (Salix)
    • Buckeye (Aesculus californica)
    • Box elder (Acer negundo)
    • California Bay (Umbellularia californica)
    • Black walnut (Juglans hindsi)
  • All other trees over 12 inches in diameter; fruit trees at 18 inches in diameter

Permit Process:  Click here for the tree permit application.  Please note that all tree permits must be processed at the Parks and Community Services Department. Permit applications may not be mailed. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For more information, please call (707) 746-4285.

Please note there is also a permit required to trim the following types of trees:

  • Street trees
  • Heritage trees (click here for more info)
  • Designated protected trees

*A permit is not required to trim branches on said trees that are less than 3 inches in diameter

Updated March 2017

Protected trees: Any single stemmed Coast Live Oak tree with a circumference of 18″ or more (5.5″ in diameter), and any multi-stemmed Coast Live Oak tree with an aggregate circumference of 26 inches or more at a distance of 4 feet up from the ground within the City of Berkeley.  These trees may not be removed unless the tree is is a potential danger to life or limb due to the condition of the tree that the only reasonable mitigation would be removal of the tree.    In addition, any pruning of a Coast Live Oak that is excessive and injurious to the tree is prohibited. Excessive and injurious pruning is defined as the removal of more than one-fourth of the functioning leaf, stem or-root system of a tree in any 24 month period.

Click here for the ordinance (1998)
Click here to see the amended ordinance that includes specifications about pruning (2006)

Permit process:  Email: or call (510) 981-7400.

Updated April 2016

Protected Trees: Any tree with a single trunk or multiple trunks with cumulative diameter of 6″ or greater at 54″ above grade require a permit for removal on private or public property.

Permit Process: Click here for the tree permit application or for more information call the Community Development Department at 925-673-7300.

Municipal Code Chapter 15.70

Updated January 2016
Protected Trees

1. Any of the following listed native trees with a 12” DBH  single trunk, or 12’ DBH sum of all stems on multiple trunk  tree, measured at 54”  above the ground:

  • Blue Oak
  • Valley Oak
  • Coast Live Oak
  • California Bay
  • California Buckeye
  • California Sycamore

2. Other trees with at least 24” DBH (single trunk) or a multi-stemmed tree where the sum of all stems are 24” DBH, measured at 54” above the ground.

3. A tree 6” DBH single or multi-stemmed that is located within the structural setback of creeks or streams (Creek and Riparian Habitat Protection 122-802).

4. Any tree or group of trees which has a relationship to an event of historical significance or is of public interest and which has been designated by action of the Planning Commission as a heritage tree.

The following trees do not require a permit and can be removed no matter the size (unless such tree has been specifically designated a “Heritage Tree” by action of the Planning Commission): Eucalyptus, Acacia, Monterey Pine, Palm, and Privet

Permit Process:  Click HERE for information about permit requirements.  Please contact the Public Works-Maintenance Services Parks Division at (925) 671-3444  with any questions or visit their “Trees” page for great information on tree care and protected trees.

Contra Costa County
Here is what the County has to say about removing trees:

“Registered heritage trees, trees that provide land stability, are of a protected species or size, or provide visual screening/and or privacy are subject to tree removal permits. Each tree removal permit is subject to individual consideration and approved or denied on a case by case basis by the Planning Division. Some factors used to determine tree removal approval include hazardous situations, number of trees on a property, damage to existing structures, and reasonable development. Prior to removing any tree on your property, you are advised to contact the Planning Division at (925)674-7205 to verify your tree does not require a removal permit”

Below is the Counties Ordinance as best we understand it:

Protected Trees (two sections):

Section 1

Trees on any property within the unincorporated area of the County that meet the following description:

  •  Any tree required to be planted as a replacement for an unlawfully removed tree
  •  Any tree shown to be preserved on an approved tentative map, development or site plan
  •  Any tree designated as Heritage
  •  Any Tree required to be retained as a condition of approval
  •  Any tree that is part of a riparian, foothill woodland or oak savanna area
  •  Any tree part of a stand of four or more trees and is 6.5 inches in diameters measured 4 ½ from ground level and is included in the following list of indigenous trees:
 •  Arroyo Willow  •  Coast Red Elderberry
 •  Bigleaf Maple  •  Coast Redwood
 •  Black Cottonwood  •  Digger Pine
  •  Blue Oak   •  Fremont Cottonwood
  •  Box Elder   •  Interior Live Oak
  •  California Sycamore   •  Knobcone Pine
  •  California Buckeye   •  Madrone
  •  California Juniper   •  Tanoak or Tanbark Oak
  •  California Black Oak   •  Toyon
  •  California Bay or Laurel   •  Valley Oak
  •  California Black Walnut   •  White Alder
  •  Canyon Live Oak   •  Yellow Willow
  •  Coast Live Oak

Section 2

Or any tree measuring 6 ½ inches diameter measured 4 ½ from ground level, or any multi-stemmed tree with the sum of the circumferences measuring 40 inches or larger, measured 4 ½ from ground level, or any significant grouping of trees, (groves of four or more trees) that is locate on any of the properties specified below

  •  Any developed property within any commercial, professional office or industrial district
  •  Any undeveloped property within any district or private property that can be subdivided.
  •  Any area designated on the general plan for recreational purposes or open space;
  •  Any area designated in the county general plan open space element as visually significant riparian or ridge line vegetation and where the tree is adjacent to or part of a riparian foothill woodland or oak savanna area. (Ords. 94-59, 94-22)

Permit Process: 
For application please click here or call: Community Development for permit (925) 674-7200

Protected Trees:  Any tree on public or private property meeting one or more of the following standards:

1) Located on a developed property, that has a trunk diameter of 24 inches or more, and that is one of the following species:  oak, bay, cypress, maple, redwood, buckeye and sycamore

2) Any tree required to be preserved as part of an approved Development Plan, Plan, Zoning Permit, Use Permit, Site Development Review or Subdivision Map

3) Any tree required to be planted as a replacement for an unlawfully removed tree

To view the city pamphlet on Heritage Tree Ordinariness Regulations 

Click the following link for the Tree Removal Permit Application. If you have any questions please call the Planning Department at: 925-833-6610

Updated April 2016

Protected Trees:

Any tree measuring over 36″ in diameter at four and one-half (4-1/2) above grade.

Any of the following native trees having a trunk or main stem which measures ten (10) inches or greater in diameter measured four and one-half (4-1/2) feet above natural grade or, for a multi-stemmed tree, a combination of trunks totaling twenty (20) inches or greater in diameter measured four and one-half (4-1/2) feet above natural grade, on any type of lot or property:

  • Canyon Live Oak (Quercus chrysolepis)
  • Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii)
  • California Black Oak (Quercus kelloggi)
  • Interior Live Oak (Quercus wislizenii)
  • White Alder (Alnus rhombifolia)
  • California Bay (Umbellularia california)
  • Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia)
  • Valley Oak (Quercus lobata)
  • California Buckeye (Aesculus californica)
  • California Sycamore (Platanus racemosa)
  • Madrone (Arbutus menziesii)
  • London Plane Tree (Platanus acerifolia)

For detailed information on the permit process click here

Click to download the tree permit application.  If you have any questions on the process please call the town’s Planning Division at  (925) 314-3310 to talk to the Planner of the day.

Please note: The permit application may requires a letter from a Certified Arboist- we can provide this service for you if the city requires it.

Protected Trees:  Any tree on public or private property meeting one or more of the following standards:

1) Located on a developed property, that has a trunk diameter of 12 inches or more, and that is one of the following species:

  • Coast live oak ( Quercus agrifolia )
  • Canyon oak ( Quercus chrysolepis)
  • Blue oak ( Quercus douglasii )
  • White oak ( Quercus garryana )
  • Black oak ( Quercus kelloggii )
  • Valley oak ( Quercus lobata )
  • Interior live oak ( Quercus wislizenii )
  • California bay ( Umbellularia californica )
  • California buckeye ( Aesculus californica )
  • Madrone ( Arbutus menziesii )

2. Any tree native to Lafayette of California (please call the city to see if you tree is one)

3. Of any size or species and designated to be protected and preserved as part of an approved development application;

4. Is a native riparian tree with a trunk diameter of six inches or more or has a multi-trunk with a diameter of four inches or more and that is one of the following species:

  • Bigleaf maple ( Acer marophyllum )
  • Boxelder ( Acer negundo )
  • White alder ( Alnus rhombifolia )
  • Black walnut ( Juglans hindsii )
  • Cottonwood ( Populus fremontii )
  • Red willow ( Salix laevigata )
  • Arroyo willow ( Salix lasiolepis )
  • Coast live oak ( Quercus agrifolia )
  • Valley oak ( Quercus lobata )
  • California bay ( Umbellularia californica )
  • California buckeye ( Aesculus californica )

Click here for their “Tree Permit Page the tree permit application.  Click here for the current fee schedule for a Category 1 Permit (Residential).  As of 7/1/2015 the fee is $350 (down from the $525.00 it was in 2010).  For more information please call the City of Lafayette Planning Services Division at 925-284-1976

Updated April 2016

Protected Trees: A permit is required to cut down any tree having a trunk diameter of 5″ or more measured 3′ above the natural grade or a tree having multiple trunks with a total perimeter of 40″ or more and is a:

  • Native tree (most common being Bay, Oak, Redwood, Toyon, or Knobcone Pine Tree; see longer list with permit application)
  • Orchard tree (fruit and nut trees planted for commercial agricultural purposes)
  • Tree of historic significance (trees that have historic value related to the heritage of the Town and designated by action of the Town Council)

Exemptions to tree removal permit requirements include:

  • The removal of a general tree (non protected – see above) located on residentially zoned property;
  • The removal of a tree located on a residentially zoned property that is located 5′ or closer to a structure (NOTE: Fences do NOT qualify as “structures”)
  • The removal of a tree located within the public right-of-way and deemed to be hazardous by the Public Works Superintendent are exempt from needing a permit.

Click here for a tree removal permit application. For more information please call the town at (925) 376-5200

Municipal Code Chapter 12.12

Protected Trees : Trees with trunk diameters of 6.5″ @ 54″ above grade including all oaks, bay, buckeye, redwood, alders, big leaf maple, madrone, black walnut, Ca. sycamore, & elderberry.   Any tree 6.5″ in diameter that is on commercial or industrial properties.

Click here for the tree removal permit application

Protected Trees : Coast live oaks 4″ in diameter @ 54″ above grade. All trees (with the exception of Eucalyptus and Monterey pine) that are 9″ in diameter. Eucalyptus & Monterey pine are not protected.  Please note, there is a $355 non-refundable application fee for a permit.

Click for the tree removal permit application

Click for the ordinance

Updated April 2016

Protected Trees:

1. A tree located on an assessor’s parcel upon which there is an existing structure, which is of the following species and which has a trunk diameter equal to or greater than twelve (12) inches at 4.5 feet above its existing grade:

  • Valley oak (Quercus lobata)
  • Coast Live oak (Quercus agrifolia)
  • Black oak (Quercus kelloggii)
  • White oak (Quercus garryana)
  • Canyon oak (Quercus chrysolepis)
  • Blue oak (Quercus douglasii)
  • Interior live oak (Quercus wislizenii)

2. A tree of any size designated to be protected and preserved on an approved development plan or as a condition of approval of a tentative map, a tentative parcel map, or other development approval or land use entitlement or permit issued by the city;

3. A native riparian tree with a trunk diameter of four inches at 4.5 feet above its existing grade or a multi-trunk native riparian tree with a cross-sectional area of all trunks equal to a cross-section area of a single stem of four inches at 4.5 feet above its existing grade. “Riparian tree” is a tree within thirty (30) feet of the edge of a creek bank or a tree beyond thirty (30) feet but in such proximity to a creek bank that it requires or tolerates soil moisture levels in excess of that available in adjacent uplands;

4. A tree with a trunk diameter equal to or greater than six inches in diameter at 4.5 feet above its existing grade on a vacant or undeveloped assessor’s parcel.

Click for the tree removal permit application.

Protected trees:   All trees on developed property that meet the following conditions.

1. Any of the  following trees with a single perennial stem of 12 inches or larger in circumference (4″ in diameter) measured 4 ½” feet above the natural grade.

  • Coast Live Oak
  • Madrone
  • Buckeye
  • Black Walnut
  • Redwood
  • Big Leafed Maple
  • Redbud
  • California Bay
  • Toyon

2. Any other tree with a single perennial stem greater than 56 inches or larger in circumference (18″ in diameter) measured at 4½ feet above the natural grade.

Please Note:  Trees species specifically excluded from protection regardless of size or health include any other species of nut or fruit trees, palm trees or eucalyptus trees

Click the following link for the Tree Removal Permit.  Use page 1-2 of the general use permit- check the “other” box and fill in “tree removal”.  Please contact the planning department at (510) 724-8912 .  To view the entire tree ordinance click here

Pleasant Hill
Protected trees:

  • Any native oak tree measuring 9 inches or larger in diameter measured at 54 inches above the ground.
  • Any native tree measuring 9 inches or larger in diameter measured at 54 inches above the ground. Indigenous trees include but are not limited to:
    • Bigleaf Maple (Acer Macrophyllum) 
    • California Bay or Laurel (Umbellularia Californica) 
    • California Black Walnut (Juglans Hindsii )
    • California Buckeye (Aesculus Californica)
    • California Sycamore (Platanus Racemosa)
    • Elderberry (Sambucus Mexicana)
    • Madrone (Arbutus Menziesii)
    • Red Alder (Alnus Oregona)
  • A non-native tree (with the exception of Eucalyptus) measuring 18 inches in diameter measured at 54 inches above

Permit Process: Click the following link for the Tree Removal FAQ’s and the Tree Removal Permit Application    If you have any questions please call the Planning Department at: 925-671-5209

Updated April 2016

Heritage Trees:

  • Any single-trunked tree with a circumference of fifty-five inches or more measured four and one half feet above ground level;
  • Any multi-trunked tree of which the two largest trunks have a circumference of fifty-five inches or more measured four and one half feet above ground level;
  • Any tree thirty-five feet or more in height;
  • Any tree of particular historical significance specifically designated by official action;
  • A stand of trees, the nature of which makes each dependent upon the other for survival or the area’s natural beauty.

Click for information on the permit process.

Click here for the tree removal permit application.   Please contact the city at 925-931-5672 with questions

Municipal Code Chapter 17.16


Currently, this City of Richmond does not have regulations regarding tree removal on private property. Please note, there are regulations for removing trees in conjunction with a building project on private property. Please contact the city planner at 510-620-6706 for details.

San Ramon

Protected Trees :

  • If your property is a single family residence that cannot be further subdivided then you do not need a tree removal permit to remove a tree on your property except if you wish to remove a native oak tree 6 inches in diameter measured 54 inches above the ground.
  • If a non-oak tree, not including a willow, fruit tree, eucalyptus, alder, cottonwood, or pine tree, is greater than 8 inches in diameter measured 54 inches above the ground and is on a commercial property or on a property owned by a Home Owner’s Association then a tree removal permit is required.

Click for the tree removal permit application.  Please contact the City’s Planning Department at (925) 973-2560 with questions. Submit the completed application and the required submittal items to the Planning Services Division at 2401 Crow Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583. Review of the tree removal permit may take 2 weeks to process.

Protected Trees : 

The City is currently (as of June 2018) revamping its tree protection ordinance – currently, there are no defined “protected trees”.  Please check with the City’s landscape department at 707-648-4209 to ensure a new ordinance not has been instated.

Walnut Creek
Protected Trees: All trees (dead or alive, public or private) located within City limits with a trunk circumference of 28″ or more (9″ DBH) measured at 54″, or an aggregate circumference of a multi-stemmed tree of over 40″.  UPDATE: As of 9/15/2014 there will be a $75.00 charge per permit (each permit can cover up to 4 trees).

Click for more information the permit process

Click here for the tree removal permit application.  Please contact the City at 925-943-5834

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